Featured Project

Massage Solutions

Massage Solutions is owned and operated by registered massage therapist, Penny J. Chiasson. Through the use of massage therapy, she can assist you in restoring, maintaining and enhancing your mental and physical well being.

*Please note: The live website may not reflect the original design created by Ashbury Creative.
May 2021
Website Rebuild - Branding, Web Design, and Development
Playfair Display, Lato

Project Goals

01. Branding

The client had some basic branding that needed a refresh so we created a simple flat design of stacked rocks to accompany the existing logo. Three stacked rocks are synonymous with massage therapy and represent the three components of wellness: body, mind and soul. We also put together a fresh and calming colour palette of various muted greens, light blue and a bright avocado green to draw the user’s eye to the call-to-actions.

02. Design

Updating the website design for a more cohesive look was an important part of the rebuild. Massage Solutions now has a branded colour palette and imagery that projects a sense of calm and healing and better reflects Penny and her business.

03. Organization

We reorganized the content to provide the user with easy access to information. We did this by moving the most important information near the top of the page and by using quick links to help users find information fast. We also updated the fitness page to a blog format to help with organization and to allow the client to continuously add content while still maintaining a clean and organized aesthetic.